An undergraduate club featuring a bunch of people who like math, who like to talk about math, and who like to share our math with others. Some notable math enthusiasts include

Our ethos is to provide accessible exposure to a variety of mathematical topics, both in pure/applied mathematics, but also into other fields like political science or biology who use math in a multitude of ways. We also aim to provide students with resources on conferences, (undergraduate) journals, and life skills like applying for jobs or giving successful math talks. If you are interested in giving a talk/demonstration or would like to invite a guest speaker, please bring this up to the Math Club President or either of the Faculty Organizers.


We typically meet Wednesdayss from 6:00pm until 7:00pm in McBryde 455 (the Commons Room). Pizza and refreshments are provided.


05 Feb
Math Club
Math Club

No Abstract

19 Feb
Math Club

Come listen to some of our members give talks on topics they are interested in or have worked on in the past! At this meeting, we will have Yash Agarwal giving a talk "Charting Hidden Dimensions", Levi Walker talking on "H_2 Optimal Model Reduction on GPUs", Aryan Palit talking on "Collaborative Filtering in Dating Apps", and Richard Morgan talking on "Uncovering non-linear gene interactions using Graph Embeddings". If you want to give a talk in the future, reach out to one of our officers! We plan on having another one of these meetings this semester.

05 Mar
Dr. Lydia Patton
Virginia Tech Department of Philosophy


19 Mar

02 Apr

06 Nov

16 Apr

07 May

14 May

Past math club talk information can be found here.


Undergraduate Conferences Undergraduate Math Journals